Level IV- Project Expediter Training

Telecom Birddog Level IV
Project Expediter Training

Introduction to Level IV, Project Expediter Training- Wireless Infrastructure Project Site Preparations

After a site is selected, a visit is coordinated to the chosen location for members of the project team and the property owner to confirm the exact spot where the wireless facility is to be developed. This technical site visit initiates project work leading to procuring real estate entitlements, allowing for construction and facility operation. The SCIP is provided to members of the project team for review and reference before and at the site visit. It is referenced throughout the development of the project.

Site Development Process #5, Project Preparations

Coordinate, schedule, and track site due diligence visits with or for technical teams.

Module 16 Project Initiation explains preparations to advance from site selection to site development. To prepare for additional technical site visits by surveyors, the environmental consultant, and other project personnel it is necessary to obtain written approval for access to the property. Additional functions of project initiation are to begin negotiations for space rights agreements and obtain a preliminary title commitment report. The need to perform additional preparations may surface from the client or other project team members at this time.

Site Development Process #6, Process Collocation Applications

Prepare, coordinate, and process applications for collocations.

Module 17 Collocation Applications delves into the process of preparing collocation applications. The relationship between application forms, data requirements for applications, and structural analysis is explained in the collocation application process. Modifications to antenna equipment already located on existing structures are also discussed.

Site Development Process #7, Process Title Work

Coordinate, order, and track title work, site surveys, lease exhibits, environmental reports, regulatory reports, and construction drawings.

Coordination between the site acquisition consultant, the title insurance company, the surveyor, and the project attorney helps to finalize the title commitment and the site survey, as discussed in Module 18 Title Insurance Commitment. The commitment itself comprises conditions, exceptions, and standard requirements framing the context of its purpose. Eventually, title commitment details will be incorporated into the land survey under project attorney guidance and generally accepted title insurance and professional surveyor industry standards of practice.

Site Development Process #8, Coordinate Development of Site Design Drawings and Reports 

Advise and assist project managers and construction managers with project perspectives. Interpret, review, and redline, if necessary, site sketches, surveys, and construction drawings.

In Module 19 Site Design—Standard Drawings and Reports the standard drawings and reports for typical projects are elucidated. These products of the A&E firm include site sketches, lease exhibits, and construction drawings. The construction drawings include electrical, architectural, and elevation perspectives.

Drawings that may not be required in every project are discussed in Module 20 Site Design—Supplemental Drawings and Reports. Supplemental drawings and reports include zoning drawings, parking plans, landscaping plans, and stormwater prevention plans. Coordination between the site acquisition consultant, the A&E firm, and the construction manager help identify which supplemental drawings and reports are needed.

Laying the Project Development Foundation

Project preparation leads to project execution. The collective development of a title commitment with site design drawings and reports leads to finalizing space rights agreements and completing local permit rights applications. The process to effect collocations on existing structures doesn’t call for the same preparation as the construction of a new structure. Nevertheless, every collocation of equipment on an existing structure is unique.

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