Phase-in to Fast Track, Quality Controlled Wireless Site Acquisition/Permitting!
Follow the Telecom Birddogs' Firmly Anchored in Midair Roadmap of Wireless Site Acquisition & Permit Online Training from curiousity to proficiency!
Learn the Ins and Outs of Wireless Site Acquisition with a Seasoned Veteran
Firmly Anchored in Midair: The Handbook of Wireless Site Acquisition and Permitting, a culmination of John Rowe’s thirty-five years of expertise in the telecommunications industry, is the authoritative manual for training site acquisition, zoning agents, and local government relations specialists to secure real estate entitlements for wireless facilities development.
- Project Coordinator
- Real Estate Specialist
- Site Acquisition Birddog
- Project Expeditor
- Project Expeditor
- Leasing Agent
- Local Permit Consultant
- Project Manager
500+ in Print
Thousands Benefited thru Project Managers, Training, and Sharing
Course Listings
- Stage 1
- 6 Modules
Basic Training
The Stage One Orientation provides a basic understanding of the multi-disciplined context in which site acquisition and permitting are performed in order to select and development wireless infrastructure.
A good place to start for those new to Wireless Industry Site Development.
- Stage 2
- 6 Modules
Site Acq Birddog Training
Stage Two addresses the processes involved in assessing a site acquisition assignment on paper and in the field to generate suitable potential locations for maximum system effectiveness, zone-ability, constructability, lease-ability, and property owner relations through site search due diligence.
- Stage 3
- 3 Modules
Project Estimator Training
Stage Three involves detailed reporting on the characteristics of the search area and the most feasible properties/locations for wireless facility installation, implementation, and/or construction based upon analytics reported to support informed site selection.
- Stage 4
- 5 Modules
Project Expediter Training
Stage Four initiates the project to deploy or development the location(s) that have been selected. The site acquisition agent’s role is that of a developer coordinating activities between architects, engineers, property owners, attorneys, environmental firms,
real property title companies, project managers, and any of a host of client types.
- Stage 5
- 7 Modules
Leasing Agent Training
Stage Five of site development focuses on the progressive steps to effect multiple types of legal documents w/engineered drawings and title commitments necessary to create quality space rights entitlements. This is a comprehensive explanation of context and process leading to final documentation of space rights.
- Stage 6
- 4 Modules
Local Permit Agent Training
Stage Six of site development derives from all of the work done with property owners based upon agreements, engineered drawings, and building and/or zoning requirements to apply for local permits to build and operate state-of-the-art wireless facilities. Expectations, resources, and approaches are elaborated upon to guide the consultant from application through review by planning staff and public hearings to final local permit documentation.
- Summary (Module 33)
- 5 Topics
Project Management Summary
Module 33, Project Management reviews how project management processes and procedures apply to the content of this signature course and the Handbook.
- Conclusion
Project Close-out
Coordinating the handoff of the project to the client allows for the construction, implementation, and/or installation to begin and for final payments to be released for Project Close-out important.
- Epilogue
Customer Service
Client/Customer Service, Remain the property owner’s and the local jurisdiction’s primary contact regarding inevitable issues as they arise.
Wireless Site Development in Detail
The Undisputed Go-to Training Resource for Wireless Industry Site Acquisition, Zoning, and Permitting Managers and Consultants including:
- Site Acquisition Coordinators
- Site Acquisition Firms
- Real Estate Specialists
- Project Managers
- RF Engineers
- Project Attorneys
- Construction Managers
- Architects and Engineers
- Environmental Consultants
- Wireless Facility Developers
- Wireless Industry Turf Vendors
- Tower Development Entrepreneurs
Does Any of this Sound Familiar …
Site acquisition and permitting processes can be complicated Due Diligence research skills need to be understood and developed Site development is taught through on-the-job training Training for site development lacks a comprehensive approach
That’s what inspired this industry training program
To get a new generation of wireless site developers off on the right foot, to educate and train up professionals for higher levels of competence and successful project management, resolving the current problems due to poor training, such as:
- Delays in getting cell sites leased, permitted, built, and in-service
- Unbudgeted expenses to fix leasing, engineering, and permitting mistakes
- Network expansion/capacity delays due to failed permit applications
- Extraordinary costs of legal/lease negotiations, construction, and compliance
The Quickest Path to Wireless Site Acquisition/Development Process Knowledge, Wisdom, and Competency!
Online Training based upon
“Firmly Anchored in Midair,
The Handbook of Wireless Site Acquisition and Permitting”
Shop the Hard Copy
Special Offer: Buy any Book & Unlock Instant Access to the
Premium Course and Resources!
Praise for "Firmly Anchored in Midair, The Handbook of Wireless Site Acquisition and Permitting" and for working with John Rowe
“In my years working with Verizon Wireless John Rowe stands out as one of the best Site Acq agents I have ever worked with! He is always prompt on his deliveries and creates a product that puts others to shame. He is the best at what he does and I have no doubt that anyone who works with him will have the same experience.”
Click the name below to verify on LinkedIn.
“As a novice in the wireless industry, I’ve recently started reading John’s book, Firmly Anchored in Midair. Although the book is several hundred pages long, I barely noticed the length because it is extremely well-written. The topics are organized in a user-friendly manner, and the last paragraph of every chapter includes cross-references to other chapters where the same information appears. John sets the scene of what a wireless site entails and then delves into the details of how to obtain a successful end-product. The wireless industry can be confusing due to the number of moving parts and players, but Firmly Anchored in Midair helped me quickly understand the in’s and out’s involved. Thank you for taking the time to write this textbook in disguise, John! I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in the wireless industry.”
Click the name below to verify on LinkedIn.
“I am an RF engineer, I do independent safety studies for cell sites, to verify compliance with federal guidelines for human exposure to radio frequency energy. Interesting read, although wish there was more detailed treatment about environmental issues. The caution about last minute oppositions to cell site use permits and in such situations asking for a continuance, to allow time to rebut often inaccurate allegations, is a prudent tactic. One of the technical terms isn’t quite correct, “coaxial waveguides;” a better term would be “coaxial transmission lines.” Helpful information on the ins and outs of site leases.”
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“Before reading Firmly Anchored in Midair, I had virtually no knowledge of wireless site acquisition (and very little experience with zoning and permitting). John Rowe’s incredibly thorough and well researched book served as a master class in this topic. John also provides additional resources for readers that deserve to perform a deep dive on this complicated topic. After reading the book and following up on the several key references listed in the notes, I prepared a business plan related to this space and received venture-backing. My success would not have been possible without having read Firmly Anchored in Midair. I cannot thank John Rowe enough; I continue to rely on my tabbed and underlined version of this book as a key resource.”
Click the name below to verify the Amazon review.
“A resource you will revisit again and again. Concepts and situations are laid out and explained with relation to the whole process. The text explains how many of the functions are situational and interrelated yet progresses toward the completion of the project objective. I got the feeling Mr. Rowe genuinely wants to help people be successful. Thank you!”
“Excellent book. As a consultant it’s very important to know about issues that are tangent to your area of expertise. This book helps in this regard since I’m in the wireless communications field and broadcasting.”
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“This is an essential book for anyone looking to grasp the concepts of site acquisition and the process of how the industry works. I would recommend this to anyone who’s looking to gain knowledge in this field of work.”
“Great book for anyone who is in the Wireless industry from rookie to experienced Site Acq’s.”
“Having worked with John as a site acquisition agent for various projects for US Cellular, I know him to use continuous follow up and perseverance, as well as creative solutions, to help resolve issues (title and otherwise) in order to bring tough sites on the air faster. That he is personable and fun to work with is an added bonus, and I’d be happy to work with him again in the future.”
Click the name below to view the LinkedIn Recommendation.
““If you are in a wireless site acquisition role and have a question, Firmly Anchored in Midair has
the answer. Thorough and detailed, the book covers all the bases. Terms are defined, processes detailed, even network design and spectrum are discussed. If you are new to the industry or have been around for a project or two, you’ll want to keep this book handy.”
Click on the name below to view the review as it appears at the beginning of “The Handbook of Wireless Site Acquisition and Permitting.”
“Wireless industry veteran John Rowe has written a book that combines a blow-by-blow
description of the process of acquiring a site for wireless facilities with sage advice on how to be successful at it. Firmly Anchored in Midair: The Handbook of Wireless Site Acquisition and Permitting also offers a treatise on the functions a site acquisition professional must perform, along with a description of the qualities needed to be good at it.
A seasoned professional, Rowe has worked thirty-five years in communications site acquisition and permitting in forty-five states, and he has been on the hiring side, recruiting and managing teams of site acquisition specialists. From both sides, he can give an authoritative opinion on what it takes to be a site acquisition professional.
‘Wireless site developers want agents who move projects to completion as swiftly as possible without sacrificing quality real estate entitlements,’ Rowe writes. ‘Strive to complete each project correctly at the earliest possible opportunity. Be known as someone who gets work done quickly and correctly.’
The book reveals qualifications that one needs to possess to be a site acquisition professional,
including an understanding of wireless system design and land-use concepts, verbal and written communications, public speaking and presentation skills, and problem-solving. Additionally, Rowe notes the importance of time-management skills to a new agent, who may be trusted initially with only one to five search areas.”
Click the name below to view the review as it appears at the beginning of “The Handbook of Wireless Site Acquisition and Permitting.”
“John Rowe has encapsulated into a single easily accessible volume a realistic field guide and desk reference for all of us working on wireless site acquisitions, from leasing to site activation. Equally applicable to and immensely value for professionals working for carriers, facilities providers, local governments, and site landlords, John clearly and logically sets out and deep-dives into every key process step and goal along the path.”
Click the name below to view the review as it appears at the beginning of “The Handbook of Wireless Site Acquisition and Permitting.”