Level VI- Local Permit Agent Training

Telecom Birddogs Level VI
Local Permit Procurement

Introduction to Level VI, Wireless Local Permits Training- Local Permit Rights

Level V addressed directly one of the two real estate entitlements required to deploy wireless facilities was discussed: rights to occupy space. Level VI directly addresses the other real estate entitlement involved in wireless facility development: local permission to construct, operate and maintain infrastructure. Permit rights are granted by multiple levels of government—federal, state, and local.

The permit rights discussed in this curriculum are primarily, but not wholly, dedicated to a site acquisition consultant’s responsibility to secure local permit rights. The astute consultant is keenly aware of the impact that state and federal laws, regulations, and policies have on the wireless facilities development movement, also known as broadband deployment. Federal regulations and industry standards for wireless facilities cannot be left out of the conversation about securing local permit rights. Further, wireless site acquisition consultants interact directly with agencies of the federal government responsible for stewarding federally owned property. Two federal government agencies that traditionally permit commercial wireless facilities on federal land are the Bureau of Land Management under the Department of the Interior and the US Forest Service under the Department of Agriculture.

Site Development Process #11, Process Local Permit Applications

Prepare, complete, obtain property owner approval for, and submit zoning and building permit applications to local authorities. Serve as the point of contact for local inquiries.

In Module 28 Local Permit Applications we address compiling application packages, the purpose of a zoning narrative, and processes for obtaining zoning and building permits. The site acquisition consultant is expected to move local permit applications quickly from the availability of drawings to the submittal of the permit application. This is affected by the receipt of site surveys and zoning drawings from the project A&E firm. It also involves obtaining the property owner’s signature on permit applications for timely submittal. Of course, the site acquisition consultant has the largest role in completing local permit applications.

The review of zoning and building applications by jurisdictional staff is the subject matter of Module 29 Planning Staff Review. This chapter discusses the acceptance of applications by the jurisdiction, how administrative approval works, public hearing notices, and the report of the planning staff concerning an application. Some mention of neighborhood groups is included in this chapter.

Site Development Process #12, Coordinate Local Permit Rights

Coordinate the permit process, including support from vendors and outside counsel. Prepare for and attend public hearings, as necessary, to secure permit approvals.

Module 30 Community Due Diligence the primary issues raised by local communities about wireless facilities are discussed. These include visual aesthetics, collocation possibilities, and the impact on local property values. Our discussion includes matters of federal licensing and environmental considerations regarding safety and regulatory compliance. While these topics might arise during the process of any given application, the site acquisition consultant’s goal is to propose new wireless facility locations where these issues do not become a matter of controversy.

Planning commissions, county boards, and city councils are discussed in Module 31 Local Governing Bodies and Public Hearings. Preparations for public hearings, meeting with neighborhood groups, and historic architectural review committees are also discussed in this chapter. The process for conditional-use permit approvals appeals to decisions made by governing bodies, and obtaining final approval documentation is included in this chapter. Finally, some points regarding building permits are made as a chapter conclusion.

The Epilogue looks back at how Site Development is best perceived as a function of project management and leads into the final  Module 33 Project Management of the course.

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