SB 1626: Government Spectrum Valuation Act of 2019

A bill to require the National Telecommunications and Information Administration to estimate
the value of electromagnetic spectrum assigned or otherwise allocated to Federal entities.

Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, introduced the Government Spectrum Valuation Act Monday, a bill
designed to estimate the value of electromagnetic spectrum assigned to each federal agency as a
the first step towards meeting the nation’s spectrum needs.

“The United States is in the midst of a ‘virtual renaissance’ that is full of opportunities for
innovation that could transform the quality of life for millions of Americans.” Sen. Lee said.
“The Government Spectrum Valuation Act will help us better make decisions on how to free
up the radio frequency we need to make this future a reality.”

Specifically, the Government Spectrum Valuation Act would require over the next three years
(and every three years thereafter) that the NTIA coordinate with the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) and the FCC to estimate the value of the electromagnetic spectrum between 3 kHz
and 95 gigahertz for licensed or unlicensed uses that are assigned or allocated to each federal
agency as well as report the value in the President’s budget and each federal agency’s statement.

NATE Statement on Reintroduction of Government Spectrum Valuation Act, May 24, 2019
“NATE applauds the leadership of Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) in reintroducing the Government
Spectrum Valuation Act. NATE supported this common-sense legislation when it was originally
introduced last year and is excited that it has been reintroduced in the 116th Congress. The
Association shares the views expressed by Sen. Lee that more efficient, effective management
of the nation’s spectrum must be a national priority. We believe proper valuation of government-
held spectrum is imperative and could ultimately pave the way for more industry access to this
spectrum; doing so will translate into more deployment opportunities for our members, to the
substantial betterment of the entire country.”

S.3617 – Government Spectrum Valuation Act of 2018, November 11, 2018


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