Cities Are Saying No to 5G, Citing Health, Aesthetics—and FCC Bullying, Wall Street Journal

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  • Cities Are Saying No to 5G, Citing Health, Aesthetics—and FCC Bullying, Wall Street Journal

Those hawking specious safety concerns about the new
technology have found common cause with some of
America’s most powerful mayors

There are a lot of myths about what the fifth generation of wireless connectivity can and can’t do.
WSJ’s Spencer MacNaughton debunks five common 5G myths

Jack Tibbetts, a member of the Santa Rosa, Calif., city council, knew he had a problem. It was early
2018, and he’d started getting calls from constituents at opposite ends of the political spectrum.
The common thread: cellular antennas going up next to their homes, causing concerns over property
values and health.

The weight of evidence suggests that if radio-frequency emissions have any effect on humans at all,
it is, according to the World Health Organization, about on par with other “possibly …


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